Creating a more sustainable future for you and the next generation

At SMBC, we strive to be a Bridge to the Future.

For more than 400 years, sustainability has been fundamental to our business operations, and to this day it remains the foundation of our management at SMBC Group. We aim for a society in which everyone can enjoy economic prosperity and well-being, aligning our activities also with the key Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set forth by the United Nations.

  • Support client efforts to decarbonize and to become nature positive as a global financial institution that provides the life blood of the economy with the goal of realizing a green world
DE&I | Human Rights
  • Strive to build a virtuous circle in which diligent and highly-motivated employees take on the challenge of creating new social value
  • Promote initiatives, both internal and by customers, to respect human rights as a hub connecting various regions and industries
Poverty & Inequality
  • Work to eliminate poverty and inequality in the next generation, which includes providing children in Japan and the rest of the world with education and opportunities.
Declining Birthrate & Aging Population
  • Ensure stable asset building for all generation.
Japan’s Regrowth
  • Contribute to the re-growth of Japan by maximizing our financial functions, supporting clients reform their business models, and driving the development of new industries in a manner that reflect the changing times

We strive to create social value and achieve a sustainable society by aligning our activities to resolve our priority issues through 10 goals and pathways.

  1. (1)Support transition to achieve a decarbonized society
  2. (2)Contribute to the conservation and the restoration of natural capital
  3. (3)Realize a workplace where employees enjoy high job satisfaction
  4. (4)Respect for human rights throughout the supply chain
  5. (5)Break the cycle of poverty and inequality for the next generation
  6. (6)Contribute to financial inclusion in developing countries
  7. (7)Relieve anxiety about the 100-year life era
  8. (8)Build user-friendly infrastructure to support a society with a declining population
  9. (9)Support customers business model transformation
  10. (10)Create innovation and foster new industries


SMBC Group defines sustainability as “creating a society in which today’s generation can enjoy economic prosperity and well-being, and pass it on to future generations.” To contribute to the global transformation into a better society, we will engage and act together with customers and other stakeholders.


In 2020, we established a ten-year plan based on our Sustainability Statement to set out the key pillars and long-term goals to deliver outcomes for our customers, shareholders, employees and the wider society. We have also made further commitments to strength our efforts against climate change.

SMBC is a leading signatory for JUET Principles (principles for financing a just and urgent energy transition) which seeks to mobilize investment and accelerate financing for a just energy transition in developing countries.

Some global initiatives supported by SMBC group:

Some global initiatives supported by SMBC group


Since setting up our operations in the Asia Pacific region (outside of Japan) about 70 years ago, we have experienced and survived numerous crises, including natural disasters. For us, it is about emerging stronger from these crises, together with the communities we operate in.

In light of unprecedented challenges brought about by the recent global pandemic, SMBC has committed more than USD1.7 million in donations as an immediate response to support individuals and businesses during the initial outbreak across the region. Covid-19’s impact on human tragedies extends far beyond the direct fallout from the pandemic, and the crisis relief for these affected community to follow alike.

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As we continue to seek growth in Asia with Asia, SMBC cares and is passionate about contributing to the resolution of environmental and social issues in these communities and around the world.

Our CSR priorities are aligned with the key Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as we seek to bring positive change to the environment, next generation and the community. We actively engage with partner associations to enable social welfare, and support work in the fields of health and medical science, sports, education, culture and arts.

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As a financial institution, we focus on what we do best and contribute to the global transformation into a better society by engaging and acting together with customers and stakeholders through the products and services we offer.

SMBC is a trusted market leader in Sustainable & Green Finance. We have been one of the first few banks to onboard global, regional and national ESG related initiatives in our markets and as an early adopter of green bonds, we are equipped with sound experience and expertise to provide active support to our clients with ESG financing.

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Digital innovation is at the heart of SMBC's business strategies. From enhancing customer convenience, improving our productivity and upgrading infrastructure, to creating new business opportunities, we innovate solutions that answer to the evolving needs of the people around us.

Through active engagement with FinTech start-ups and the establishment of our innovation centres across the world, we aim to employ technology in meaningful ways to make sustainability a reality.

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