Considerations related to Investment Trusts

  • Before purchasing an investment trust, please be sure to read the latest “Investment Trust Guide (prospectus)” and the attached “Prospectus Supplement.” These documents are available at this Bank branch and elsewhere.
  • Purchases and conversions of investment trusts require a maximum 4% of transaction amount in total fees (application fee, fees assessed during conversion, exit charges, etc.). In addition to these fees, investors are also responsible for trust fees (maximum annual 2.1% of investment trust assets (including consumption taxes)), audit fees, marketable securities trading fees, and other expenses (varies according to investment management conditions; therefore, rates, maximum amount cannot be disclosed here) on an annual basis, paid via trust assets. The fees paid by the customer will be the aggregate of these fees.
  • When purchases, conversions of investment trusts involve translations from yen to foreign currency or from foreign currency to yen, an exchange fee (one–way; maximum .7 yen per base currency unit) is charged separately from the above-mentioned fees.
  • The investment trust does not provide for a guarantee of principal or guarantee of return rate.
  • The investment trust invests in both domestic and international stocks and bonds, etc.; accordingly, there is a risk that due to investment price fluctuations, foreign exchange rate fluctuations etc., the invested asset value may fall below the invested principal, as well as other risks that are solely the responsibility of the customer purchasing the investment trust.
  • The investment trust is not a deposit.
  • The investment trust is not covered by deposit insurance. Please inquire at the appropriate information desk regarding deposit insurance.
  • Investment trusts handled at this bank are not covered by the Investor Protection Fund.
  • This bank is a sales entity; a separate fund management company conducts the actual investment trust design and investment management.
  • Customers must be 20 years of age or older to conduct investment trust transactions via Internet banking, mobile banking, or telephone banking.