News Release

Notice regarding Business Alliance between Osaka Gas Information System Research Institute And Sakura Information System(1/1)

Osaka Gas Information System Research Institute Co., Ltd.

Sakura Information System Co., Ltd.

Osaka Gas Co. Ltd.

Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation



Notice regarding Business Alliance between

Osaka Gas Information System Research Institute

And Sakura Information System



Japan, May 23, 2006--- Osaka Gas Information System Research Institute Co., Ltd. (OGIS-RI, President: Masakazu Kato), Sakura Information System Co., Ltd. (SIS, President: Ryoji Miura), Osaka Gas Co. Ltd. (Osaka Gas, President: Hirofumi Shibano) and Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC, President: Masayuki Oku) today agreed to form business and capital alliance between OGIS-RI and SIS in the field of information service business.  Hereafter, the four companies will discuss to enter into a basic agreement on the alliance in July 2006.


OGIS-RI, a consolidated subsidiary of Osaka Gas, playing a central role of Osaka Gas Group’s information business, has developed and operated the group’s main system and also accumulated high technology and know-how by forming partnerships with foreign companies. Especially, OGIS-RI has been highly-evaluated in the field of advanced technology and solution such as highly-profitable “Object/UML Modeling.”


SIS, a consolidated subsidiary of SMBC, has supported SMBC group’s banking system and   acquired know-how and solution in the field of finance, accounting and system development by addressing needs for system architecture from the viewpoint of clients.


  OGIS-RI and SIS aim to offer better services to various kinds of clients thorough the business alliance, by creating synergies between OGIS-RI’s technology and SIS’s know-how and by mutually exploiting each company’s system development capabilities and base.


Outline of business alliance is as follows:

(1) Cooperation in the field of system development

(a) System development, combining SIS’s know-how and OGIS-RI’s technology of “Object/UML (Unified Modeling Language) Modeling”

(b) Mutual exploitation of development base

(2) Cooperation in foreign operation

     Mutually utilize the development base in Shanghais, OGIS-RI’s business partner, and SIS’s subsidiary in Singapore .

(3) Mutual exploitation of computer center

     Mutually utilize OGIS-RI’s computer center (Nishi-ku, Osaka ) and SIS’s center (Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo ).

(4) Exchange and development of human resources


OGIS-RI will consider acquiring SIS’s shares (approximately 34%) in order to reinforce the business alliance.


At the same time, Osaka Gas and SMBC will jointly support smooth progress of the alliance.



Profile of OGIS-RI

Company name

Osaka Gas Information System Research Institute Co., Ltd.

Head office

Minami 2-37, Chiyozaki 3-chome, Nishi-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka

Business description

System development, data processing, and sales of computer and software

Date of establishment

June 29, 1983

Capital stock

400 millions of yen (as of March 31, 2006 )


Profile of SIS

Company name

Sakura Information System Co., Ltd.

Head office

4-10,Nihonbashihoncho 3-chome,Chuo-ku, Tokyo

Business description

System development and data processing

Date of establishment

November 29, 1972

Capital stock

600 millions of yen (as of March 31, 2006 )


Profile of Osaka Gas

Company name

Osaka Gas Co. Ltd.

Head office

1-2, Hiranamachi 4-chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka

Business description

Gas and heat supply business

Date of establishment

April 10, 1897

Capital stock

132,166 millions of yen (as of March 31, 2006 )


Profile of SMBC

Company name

Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation

Business description


Date of establishment

June 6, 1996

Head office

1-2, Yurakucho 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

Capital stock

664,986 millions of yen (as of March 31, 2006 )


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