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Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation to Acquire OMC Card Shares(1/1)
Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Inc.
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking
Corporation to Acquire OMC Card Stocks Shares
stocks shares of
OMC Card, Inc. (OMC, President and COO: Shinji Ebata) from Daiei, Inc. (Daiei,
President and CEO: Toru Nishimi) and Japan Distribution Leasing Corporation
(JDL, President: Shigeru Uesugi).
1. Method
of Purchase
SMBC will
acquire stakes
in shares of OMC through purchase of purchases of 1) stocks shares and
2) trust beneficiary interests.
Stock Purchase
SMBC will
purchase OMC stocks shares from Daiei and JDL as the
followings follows :
i) Number of stocks shares to be purchased
Daiei: 8,367,000 shares
JDL: 1,000,000
Total: 9,367,000
shares (4.43% voting rights)
ii) Purchase amount*: JPY
10,303,700,000 in total or JPY 1,100 per share
*The purchase amount has been was determined by
considering upon taking into account expected synergies from out of collaboration s
between the SMFG group
companies and OMC, and based
on the stock price trend performance and the outcome of
the due diligence.
(2) Purchase of Trust Beneficiary
Given the necessity to adapt OMCfs
operations to the b B ank ing l L aw (the g B ank L aw A daptationh) ,
SMBC will purchase from Daiei, trust beneficiary interests (the gTBIh)
primarily for 58,633 thousand shares of OMC stock s (the g Stocks S hares in Trusth)
entrusted by means of comprehensive securities and money trust (the gCSMTh).
The CSMT designates Daiei to give directions instructions for voting , etc . in relation to the Shares Stocks in Trust, and SMBC to give directions instructions for rights other than
voting. As soon as the B b ank ing L l aw A a daptation at OMC is
completed, such direction instruction rights for voting , etc will be
automatically transferred to SMBC, and with the CSMT terminating, SMBC will
acquire the OMC stocks shares .
i) Number of stocks shares to be entrusted:
shares (27.72% voting rights)
ii) Purchase amount: JPY
64,496,300,000 (excluding portion for the money trust)
2. Status
of SMBCfs Holding of OMC Stocks Shares
(1)Number of Stocks Shares Before the Acquisition 999,400
shares (0.47% voting rights)
(2)Number of Stocks Shares to be Acquired 9,367,000
shares (4.43% voting rights)
(3)Number of Stocks Sahres in Trust 58,633,000
shares (27.72% voting rights)
(4)Number of Stocks Shares After the
Acquisition (2) 10,366,400
shares (4.90% voting rights)
Number of Stocks Shares After Termination
of the CSMT68,999,400 shares(32.62% voting
Since Daiei will continue to
hold voting rights at OMC (including those to be executed in the form of direction instruction rights under
the CSMT) of 48.53% and has a majority on the OMC board with Daieifs affiliates even after
the purchase of the OMC stocks shares and the TBI as stated
in the first section (Method of Purchase), OMC will remain Daieifs consolidated
subsidiary. However, after the completion of the banking Bank L l aw A a daptation and SMBCfs
acquisition of the OMC Stocks Shares in Trust, OMC will become an equity
method affiliate of SMBC.
3. Schedule
July 27, 2007 Board R r esolution
July 27, 2007 Execution
of s S tock P p urchase A a greement, CSMT D d eed
and t T rust B b eneficiary I i nterest P p urchase A a greement
August 2, 2007 Delivery
of S s tock C c ertificate s and T t rust B b eneficiary I i nterest
February 8, 2008* Termination
of the CSMT and D d elivery of C c ertificate of Stocks s hares in T t rust
* CSMT will terminate as soon as OMC completes
the Bank banking l L aw A a daptation, which could
be earlier than February 8, 2008
4. Others
In view of the With SMBCfs
acquisition of OMC stocks shares , Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group,
Inc., SMBC, Sumitomo Mitsui Card Co., Ltd. and OMC today executed gMemorandum
of Understanding regarding Strategic Allianceh and agreed to commence studies
toward establishing a strategic alliance in the credit card business.
of Issuer of the Stocks to be Acquired
(1) Company
Name: OMC
Card, Inc.
(2) Representative: Shinji
Ebata, President and COO
(3) Head Office: 2-16-4
Konan, Minato-ku,
(4) Founded: September
11, 1950
(5) Principal Businesses: Credit Card Business, etc.