News Release

Basic Agreement on Merger betweenKansai Urban Banking Corporation and Biwako Bank, Ltd.(1/1)

Kansai Urban Banking Corporation

(Code: 8545)

Biwako Bank, Ltd.

(Code: 8552)

Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation



Basic Agreement on Merger between

Kansai Urban Banking Corporation and Biwako Bank, Ltd.


OSAKA, March 13, 2009 --- Kansai Urban Banking Corporation (KUBC, President: Koji Kita), Biwako Bank, Ltd. (President: Osamu Yamada) and Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC, President: Masayuki Oku) are pleased to announce that KUBC and Biwako Bank have reached a basic agreement on their merger based on the spirit of equal partnership (hereinafter the gMerger,h and the company formed by the merger will be referred to as the gMerged Bankh).


1. Objectives of the Merger


Amid the global recession that has further depressed local economies, regional financial institutions need to enhance their management soundness to fulfill more stable financial functions.  Furthermore, stronger operational bases, improved profitability as well as offering of diverse and sophisticated financial services have been increasingly required of such institutions to deal with changes in the business environment and to sustain stable growth.


With the awareness of such business environment, KUBC and Biwako Bank have reached a basic agreement to merge, seeking to become a regional bank with top-level financial soundness in the Kansai Area and a broad operating base able to respond to the transition to Doshusei (regional government system) in the future.


The Merged Bank looks to its further development in Osaka , a city with a large economy, and, at the same time, focuses on Shiga Prefecture , a market with a sharp population increase and a large number of high net worth residents, as a key operating base for business with individual customers.   As a new type of retail regional bank that covers wider areas, the Merged Bank aims to offer small and medium-sized companies as well as individual customers with enhanced satisfaction with our financial services and to contribute to the development of the regional economies by capitalizing on SMBC Groupfs sophisticated financial know-how.


Moreover, SMBC regards the Merged Bank to be one of its core group members. It will leveraging its strengths as a comprehensive financial services group and collaborate with the Merged Bank to offer higher-than-ever satisfaction to a wider range of customers in the Kansai Area including Shiga Prefecture .


2. Outline of the Merger


(1) Targeted Date of Merger: March 1, 2010

(2) Surviving Company under the Applicable Laws: KUBC

(3) Location of the Registered Head Office of the Merged Bank:

2-4, Nishi-Shinsaibashi 1-chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi

(4) Other

-    Upon separate consultation, the parties will determine the trade name, the merger ratio, the capital and the representative of the Merged Bank as well as other details before the execution of the merger agreement, which is scheduled to take place in November 2009.


-    The parties have the policy that the Merged Bank will maintain its listing on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and the First Section of the Osaka Securities Exchange.


-    The organizational headquarters functions of the Merged Bank will be located in Osaka and Shiga.


- The closing of the Merger is subject to approval by resolutions of the general meetings of the shareholders and the permissions, authorizations, etc. of the relevant authorities as required by law or otherwise.


3. Framework for Deliberation on Matters to Come


The parties will promptly establish a gmerger preparatory committeeh to deliberate on details of the basic terms of the Merger and to develop comprehensive post-Merger strategies.


Also, the parties will establish subcommittees under the merger preparatory committee to deliberate each specialized area such as planning, human resources, marketing, system operations, risk management and compliance, and proceed with the preparations for the Merger.



4. Impact on Earnings


(1) KUBC

There will be no effect on KUBCfs results for fiscal 2008 due to the Merger. However, KUBC separately has published the revision of its earnings forecast for fiscal 2008 today (Ref. gNotice concerning Revision of Earnings Forecast and Year-End Dividends Forecast for Fiscal Year 2008h). Regarding earnings forecasts for fiscal 2009 and onward, KUBC will publish them as soon as they are determined.


(2) Biwako Bank

There will be no revision of Biwako Bankfs earnings forecast for fiscal 2008 due to the Merger. Regarding earnings forecasts for fiscal 2009 and onward, Biwako Bank will publish them as soon as they are determined.


5. Proposed Schedule up to the Merger


(1) Around November 2009 (target)     Execution of the merger agreement

(2) Around January 2010 (target)         Extraordinary shareholders' meeting for approval of the Merger

(3) March 1, 2010 (target)                  Closing date of the Merger (On four days, excluding non-business days, before the Closing date of the Merger, the stock of Biwako Bank will be delisted from the First Section of the Osaka Securities Exchange. However, the Merged Bank will maintain its listing in the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and the First Section of the Osaka Securities Exchange.)


6. Corporate Profile of the two Merging Parties (as of the end of September 2009)


Trade Name

Kansai Urban Banking Corporation

Biwako Bank, Ltd.

Date of Foundation

July 1, 1922

October 2, 1942

Location of Head Office

2-4, Nishi-Shinsaibashi 1-chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi

5-12, Chuo 4-chome, Otsu-shi, Shiga

Name and Title of Representative

Koji Kita, President

Osamu Yamada, President

Description of Business

Banking business

Banking business

Capital stock

JPY 37 billion

JPY 28 billion

Number of Issued and Outstanding Shares




- Ordinary shares





- Preferred shares



Net Assets

JPY 111.3 billion (Consolidated)

JPY 38.7 billion(Consolidated)

Total Assets

JPY 3,488.4 billion (Consolidated)

JPY 1,093.7 billion (Consolidated)

Fiscal Year End

March 31st

March 31st

Number of Employees

1,926 (Consolidated)


Major Shareholders and Shareholding Ratio (ordinary shares)

Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (42.16%)


Ginsen Co., Ltd. (7.11%)


QUOQ Inc. (5.70%)


Sumitomo Mitsui Card Co., Ltd. (3.71%)


The Taiyo Fund L.P. (3.62%)


Sumitomo Mitsui Finance and Leasing Co., Ltd. (3.07%)

Biwako Bank Employeesf Shareholding Association (3.88%)


Ginsen Co., Ltd. (3.76%)


Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (3.74%)


The Towa Bank, Ltd. (2.67%j


Japan Trustee Services Bank, Ltd. (trust account) (2.62%)



7. Results of the Merging Parties for the Most Recent Three Accounting Periods (JPY millions)



Kansai Urban Banking Corporation (Consolidated)

Biwako Bank, Ltd.


Fiscal Year Ended

March 2006

March 2007

March 2008

March 2006

March 2007

March 2008

Ordinary Income







Ordinary Profit







Net Income







BIS Capital Ratio

(Domestic standards)










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