News Release

Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation and Phnom Penh SZE Co., Ltd. Executed a Memorandum of Undertaking(1/1)

Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation


Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation and Phnom Penh SZE Co., Ltd.

Executed a Memorandum of Undertaking



TOKYO, November 15, 2013 --- Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (gSMBCh, President & CEO: Takeshi Kunibe) announced today that is has executed a Memorandum of Undertaking (gMOUh) with Phnom Penh SEZ, Co., Ltd., the operator of the Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone (gPP SEZh), on November 15, 2013, to begin their mutual cooperation including supporting and soliciting investment of Japanese corporations into Cambodia, in order to promote business exchanges between Cambodia and Japan 


PP SEZ is the only industrial park in the vicinity of Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, and has the largest presence of Japanese corporations in the country.


Since the establishment of Phnom Penh Representative Office in February 2012, SMBC has been continuously supporting its clients in Cambodia, including but not limited to delegating its staff to the Foreign Corporate Desk of ACLEDA Bank Plc., the largest bank in the Country.


The singing of this MOU on mutual cooperation reflects our proactive stance to strengthen the SMBCfs capabilities to support the business activities of Japanese corporations in Cambodia.


[Reference] Profile of Phnom Penh SEZ, Co., Ltd.


Chairwoman :                        Lim Chhiv Ho

Year of Establishment:          2006

Locations:                              National Road No. 4, Khan Posenchey, Phnom Penh,       Cambodia

Other:                                    As of the end of October 2013, there were 63 corporations in PP SEZ and more than half were Japanese corporations.

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